About Us
At TAAF, we believe in the importance of informed engagement with technology. Our foundation is dedicated to shedding light on the technologies shaping our future—whether they enhance our lives or pose new risks. Our five-year plan includes participating in the next New York World’s Fair, where we aim to highlight critical issues such as society’s growing addiction to technology, increased screen time, and the profound impacts of Artificial Intelligence.
Our Vision
Our vision is to build a community of Engaged, Qualified, and Motivated individuals who are passionate about the evolving role of technology in our world. We seek members who are eager to explore both the historical context of technological development and the innovations on the horizon.
Focus Areas
TAAF is committment
Raising Awareness
Educating the public about emerging technologies and their potential or realized impacts on society.
Providing Services
Offering programs, workshops, and resources to encourage and accelerate awareness about technological impacts, as deemed appropriate by our board of directors.
Supporting Additional Purposes
Pursuing any other objectives that align with our mission and promote awareness of technology’s impacts, without conflicting with TAAF’s by-laws.
How It Works
This steps work IT Solutions.
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Artificial Intelligence
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Augmented Reality
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Website Development
Sed faucibus enim ornare a. Nunc feugiat extem usto, vestibulum imperdiet ligula mollis vel.
50 Dehart Street, Lincoln Park, NJ, USA.
Contact Location
Contact Email
+1 (845) 702 9010
Contact Phone